Association rule mining model in R

   Association rule mining is an unsupervised learning method to mine rules from transaction data. It helps to find out relationships in dataset and items that appear together. In this post, I will explain how to extract association rules in R.
  We need 'arules' and  'arulesViz' packages for this test, you may need to install them.

> library(arules)
> library(arulesViz) 
  Association rule model works with transaction data. An example of transaction data can be customers shopping history. I prefer to use simulated data rather than real data. Because the first thing in data analysis is to understand target data structure and it is content. For learning purpose, I think it is better to use a simple dataset. Once we know the model then we can easily apply it in real data sets.

  Here, we generate random transaction data of an imaginary grocery. First, we create a data frame and convert it to transaction type.

n=500                              # transaction number
goods <- c("apple", "melon", "banana", "strawberry", "tomato",
             "cabbage", "carrot")   # items in transaction
trans <- data.frame()              # data frame to collect data

Randomly creating data and collecting it into trans data frame.

for(i in 1:n)
  count <- sample(1:3, 1)    # item count from 1 to 3 items
  selected <- sample(goods, count)
  tran <- data.frame(items = paste(selected, collapse = ","), tid = i)
  trans <- rbind(trans, tran)
  if(i %% 2 == 1)
    add_product <- sample(goods, 1)
    if(!add_product %in% selected)
      tran <- data.frame(items = add_product, tid = i)
      trans <- rbind(trans, tran)     


Checking data in trans data frame.

> head(trans, 10)
                     items tid
1                   tomato   1
2                  cabbage   1
3                   tomato   2
4  strawberry,apple,tomato   3
5                    melon   4
6      banana,carrot,apple   5
7               strawberry   5
8                    apple   6
9                   tomato   7
10                   melon   7

Next, we need to convert a generated data frame into the transaction data type.

> grocery_trans <- as(split(trans[, "items"], trans[, "tid"]), "transactions")
> grocery_trans
transactions in sparse format with
 500 transactions (rows) and
 170 items (columns)

To check the transaction data content, we use an inspect() command.

> inspect(grocery_trans) 
                      items transactionID
[1] {cabbage,tomato,banana}             1
[2]  {melon,cabbage,banana}             2
[3]          {banana,melon}             3
[4]                 {melon}             4
[5]  {banana,carrot,tomato}             5
[6]          {tomato,melon}             6

Mining the rules

> rules_1 <- apriori(grocery_trans, parameter = list(supp = 0.001, conf = 0.1))

Parameter specification:
 confidence minval smax arem  aval originalSupport maxtime support minlen maxlen target   ext
        0.1    0.1    1 none FALSE            TRUE       5   0.001      1     10  rules FALSE

Algorithmic control:
 filter tree heap memopt load sort verbose
    0.1 TRUE TRUE  FALSE TRUE    2    TRUE

Absolute minimum support count: 0 

set item appearances ...[0 item(s)] done [0.00s].
set transactions ...[158 item(s), 500 transaction(s)] done [0.00s].
sorting and recoding items ... [158 item(s)] done [0.00s].
creating transaction tree ... done [0.00s].
checking subsets of size 1 2 done [0.00s].
writing ... [105 rule(s)] done [0.00s].
creating S4 object  ... done [0.00s].
> rules_1
set of 105 rules 

> rules_1 <- sort(rules_1, decreasing = TRUE, by = "confidence")
> inspect(rules_1)
      lhs                            rhs          support confidence lift       count
[1]   {apple,strawberry,banana}   => {melon}      0.002   1.0000000  10.4166667  1   
[2]   {banana,apple,melon}        => {cabbage}    0.002   1.0000000  11.9047619  1   
[3]   {tomato,strawberry,cabbage} => {carrot}     0.002   1.0000000   8.1967213  1   
[4]   {apple,banana,melon}        => {carrot}     0.002   1.0000000   8.1967213  1   
[5]   {carrot,apple,melon}        => {banana}     0.002   1.0000000  10.0000000  1   
[6]   {strawberry,apple,banana}   => {cabbage}    0.002   1.0000000  11.9047619  1   
[7]   {carrot,banana}             => {strawberry} 0.002   1.0000000   9.2592593  1   
[8]   {tomato,apple,cabbage}      => {carrot}     0.002   1.0000000   8.1967213  1   
[9]   {melon,cabbage,carrot}      => {apple}      0.002   1.0000000  10.2040816  1   
[10]  {carrot,strawberry,tomato}  => {cabbage}    0.002   1.0000000  11.9047619  1   
[11]  {apple,tomato,melon}        => {banana}     0.002   1.0000000  10.0000000  1   
[12]  {cabbage,tomato,apple}      => {melon}      0.002   1.0000000  10.4166667  1   
[13]  {tomato,apple,strawberry}   => {banana}     0.002   1.0000000  10.0000000  1   
[14]  {banana,tomato,cabbage}     => {apple}      0.002   1.0000000  10.2040816  1   
[15]  {carrot,apple}              => {tomato}     0.002   1.0000000   9.8039216  1   
[16]  {melon,banana,tomato}       => {carrot}     0.002   1.0000000   8.1967213  1   
[17]  {carrot,melon,strawberry}   => {banana}     0.002   1.0000000  10.0000000  1   
[18]  {banana,tomato,carrot}      => {cabbage}    0.002   1.0000000  11.9047619  1   
[19]  {carrot,tomato,strawberry}  => {cabbage}    0.002   1.0000000  11.9047619  1   
[20]  {banana,cabbage,tomato}     => {carrot}     0.002   1.0000000   8.1967213  1   
[21]  {apple,tomato,carrot}       => {banana}     0.002   1.0000000  10.0000000  1   
[22]  {banana,cabbage,apple}      => {carrot}     0.002   1.0000000   8.1967213  1   
[23]  {strawberry,cabbage,carrot} => {apple}      0.002   1.0000000  10.2040816  1   
[24]  {tomato,banana,melon}       => {cabbage}    0.002   1.0000000  11.9047619  1   
[25]  {cabbage,banana}            => {strawberry} 0.002   1.0000000   9.2592593  1   
[26]  {apple,strawberry,melon}    => {carrot}     0.002   1.0000000   8.1967213  1   
[27]  {banana,carrot,apple}       => {tomato}     0.002   1.0000000   9.8039216  1   
[28]  {cabbage,banana,carrot}     => {melon}      0.002   1.0000000  10.4166667  1   
[29]  {cabbage,apple,carrot}      => {strawberry} 0.002   1.0000000   9.2592593  1   
[30]  {strawberry,carrot}         => {banana}     0.004   0.6666667   6.6666667  2   
[31]  {melon,apple,carrot}        => {tomato}     0.004   0.6666667   6.5359477  2   
[32]  {strawberry,cabbage,banana} => {melon}      0.004   0.6666667   6.9444444  2   
[33]  {melon,banana}              => {carrot}     0.004   0.6666667   5.4644809  2   
[34]  {melon,cabbage,tomato}      => {strawberry} 0.002   0.5000000   4.6296296  1   
[35]  {strawberry,banana,carrot}  => {cabbage}    0.002   0.5000000   5.9523810  1 

We get first rhs item from above list to check the rules for that item. Here, I will get it dynamically, but if you know the target item, it can be written just rhs="melon" in a parameter of apriori function.
> rhs <- inspect(rules_1@rhs[1])
[1] {melon}
> rhs_item <- gsub("\\{","", as.character(rhs$items[1]))
> rhs_item <- gsub("\\}","", rhs_item)
> rhs_item
[1] "melon"

We build rule for our rhs_item

> rules_2 <- apriori(data = grocery_trans, parameter = list(supp = 0.001, conf = 0.1), 
+                  appearance = list(default = "lhs", rhs = rhs_item))

Sorting by "confidence" and inspecting the rule

> rules_2<-sort(rules_2, decreasing = TRUE, by = "confidence")
> inspect(rules_2)
     lhs                            rhs     support confidence lift      count
[1]  {apple,strawberry,banana}   => {melon} 0.002   1.0000000  10.416667 1    
[2]  {cabbage,tomato,apple}      => {melon} 0.002   1.0000000  10.416667 1    
[3]  {cabbage,banana,carrot}     => {melon} 0.002   1.0000000  10.416667 1    
[4]  {strawberry,cabbage,banana} => {melon} 0.004   0.6666667   6.944444 2    
[5]  {carrot,banana,cabbage}     => {melon} 0.002   0.5000000   5.208333 1    
[6]  {apple,strawberry,tomato}   => {melon} 0.002   0.5000000   5.208333 1    
[7]  {banana,strawberry}         => {melon} 0.004   0.3333333   3.472222 2    
[8]  {banana,cabbage,strawberry} => {melon} 0.002   0.2500000   2.604167 1    
[9]  {tomato,cabbage}            => {melon} 0.002   0.2500000   2.604167 1    
[10] {strawberry,tomato}         => {melon} 0.002   0.2000000   2.083333 1    
[11] {banana}                    => {melon} 0.010   0.1000000   1.041667 5   

Finally, we plot a top 5 rules from the rules_2
> plot(rules_2[1:5], method = "graph")

Thank you for reading! Leave your comment about the post below.

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